• 17, Nour Building, Soroush alley, Vali Asr
  • Tehran, Tehrān, 1594813845
  • Íran
  • Sími:98-21-88805513
  • Fax:98-21-88906729
  • Url:

Um okkur


Our specialization is foodstuffs. We are acquainted with foodstuffs and follow a quality merits CHICHINI. To provide and distribute the safest and most palatable foodstuffs, fairly in prices, is our greatest ideal. Always our concern about commercial relations is long-term, and certainly will not endanger such cooperation for a cause of short term earnings. This is the secret of our success in the arena of production and distribution of foodstuffs, during more than fifty years. By the grace of God, now, we are going to grantee our success more and more on the second decade of twenty- first century.

We, managers and staff of Nafe-Gostar commercial company, who are proud of being successful past record of such an arena during more than fifty years; have employed all our experiment, and material and spiritual hoards to provide and distribute CHICHINI productions. In addition to a thorough knowledge of I.R.Iran market of foodstuffs, we have been succeeded on import from China, India and Pakistan, and we have exported our production to United Arab Emirates too. BY trusting in God, we continuously are going to expand our commercial activities to all international markets.

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Framleiðandi, Dreifingaraðili, Agent, Heildsala

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