Riżultati għal: Basktijiet, xkejjer u materjali tal-imballaġġ
Kumpaniji 19732 FoundKategoriji relatati
Production and sales of flat and creped tissue papers for hygienic tissue paper product convertors (i.e.toilet rolls, kitchen towels, dispenser towels, centerfeed towels, napkins and dispenser... Aqra Aktar »
- karta, kraft | Paper, imitazzjoni kraft | Paper, reżina mimlijin | Paper, latex mimlijin | Paper, silikon mimlijin | ...
- İzmir
- Turkija
Gucheng County Wanhui Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Gucheng County high-tech Development Zone, Hengshui City, Hebei Province, Wanhui Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. has gone through 26... Aqra Aktar »
- Basktijiet għall-ippakkjar
- Hengshui
- Ċina
CPP GLOBAL (ASIA) Ltd. is a branch of Westfall Technik Inc. in China. Westfall Technik Inc. is a global holding company that creates high-end manufacturing solutions for plastic parts production in... Aqra Aktar »
- Kosmetiċi ippakkjar
- Kaiping
- Ċina
Guangdong Danqing Plastic Packaging & Printing Co., Ltd. is a China-based Exporter, Manufacturer & Supplier of Printed Packaging Materials for various industries like Daily Products, Food,... Aqra Aktar »
- Basktijiet għall-ippakkjar | Ippakkjar farmaċewtiċi | Kosmetiċi ippakkjar | Ippakkjar ieħor tal-ikel | Ippakkjar | Film ...
- Chaozhou
- Ċina
We at iCustomBoxes provide you a custom packaging solution. We customize the custom Boxes with Eco-friendly quality stock. We serving our beloved customers require boxes with free shipping and... Aqra Aktar »
- Materjali oħra Imballaġġ | Ippakkjar u l-istampar materjali | Pakketti għall-prodotti tal-ikel, kawlina u franka | Ipp...
- Newark
- Stati Uniti
Unisource is Canada's national supplier of Paper, Printing, Imaging, Graphic Arts, Packaging and Maintenance Supplies and equipment. Our focus is to design single-source Just-in-Time supply... Aqra Aktar »
- Ingwanti | basktijiet | Kontenituri | Ippakkjar | Prodotti għat-tindif | Prodotti tal-ikel | Ikel bl-ingrossa u ...
- Delta
- Kanada
A full-service public refrigerated warehousing company located in Richmond and is centrally located between seaports, highways to the U.S. border and the rest of Canada. Leader stores and handles a... Aqra Aktar »
- Imħażen, ħażna kiesħa | Ikel iffriżat | Freezers | Ippakkjar | Imħażen bi tkessiħ kmamar | Mħażen kiesħa
- Richmond
- Kanada
Boxmaster is one of the longest established box manufacturers in B.C. We are proud to be leaders of our industry, as we have recently progressed to having a complete food safe manufacturing process. ... Aqra Aktar »
- Kontenituri u kaxxi, polistirene, għall-industrija tal-ikel | Ippakkjar | Kaxxi, il-manifatturi
- Delta
- Kanada
Founded in 1986, we at Shantou Easemate Toys Co., Ltd. mainly produce zinc alloy, aluminum alloy, and electric plastic model guns. For more than 10 years,Otherwise,we produce toys,including... Aqra Aktar »
- Blokok | Mankijiet | Play twapet | Oħra sigurtà isports | Ingwanti sportivi l-oħra | Minkeb u pads irkoppa | Avveniment ...
- Hongkong
- Ħong Kong
Shantou Arfanti Toys Firm is located in Shantou of Guangdong. We are a professional toy trader specializing in designing and manufacturing a wide range of toys, including Remote Control Toys,... Aqra Aktar »
- Ippakkjar istampar | Għodod pnewmatiċi | Ġibż | Tubs | Banju u provvisti oħra tat-twaletta | Blokok | Ġugarelli Candy | ...
- Ħong Kong
Shenzhen Golden Cypress Yu Sheng Printing CO.,LTD was established in 2000, located in Nan Yue, Longgang zone, Shenzhen City.We are one of the largest leading company in printing area in Shenzhen.Our... Aqra Aktar »
- Istampar brochure | Istampar tar-rivisti | Ippakkjar istampar | Karta u paperboard istampar | Karta kraft | Karta...
- Shenzhen
- Ċina
We are a manufacturer, not an agent.
Cheong Yip Metal Manufacturing Company was established in 1998 and is located in East Town, Dongguan City. Our company is conveniently situated and is very... Aqra Aktar »
- Istampar tal-metall | Każ lapes | Kaxxi kejk | Kaxxi tal-ippakkjar | Ippakkjar Candy | Kontenituri Foil | Laned | ...
- Dongguan
- Ċina
Dear Customers, experts in the field of fluorine and silicone,
We have carefully considered statement!
Original Name: NINGBO TIANTA INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS CO., LTD. joint venture company is... Aqra Aktar »
- drappijiet | Prodotti tal-plastika | Adeżivi u tejp | Partijiet Tagħmir Tqandil Materjal | Materjali oħra Imballaġġ | Bb...
- Ningbo
- Ċina
3C Net Pte Ltd has been established since year 2005. located in Singapore industry central area. we hold stock in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. buy and sell computer hardware. consumer electronic... Aqra Aktar »
- Paper, jintremew, għall-użu mediku | Djarji u kalendarji, reklamar | Djarji u kalendarji, but | Djarji u kalendarji d...
- Singapore
- Singapor
ProductionExquisite packaging. Gift wrappings. Flower wrappings. Corrugated paper. Stationery, paper and bags. Plastic, cellophane. Greetings cards. Napkins. Tape and ribbons. Plastic bags. Bio bags.
- Paper, jintremew, għall-użu mediku | Pitazzi | Folders | Paper, bini | Karta, passepartout | Karta għall dijaframmi | Tr...
- Oslo
- Norveġja
We introduce ourselves as one of the manufacturers and exporter of soap
strips, paper soap, paper napkins, toilet roll, tissue rolls, face tissue,
wonder fresh and other hotel accessories. We have... Aqra Aktar »
- Gypsum għall-ikkastjar ta 'investiment ta' metalli prezzjużi | Irbit tal-pajpijiet | Pajpijiet u tubi, l-azzar | Għodod ...
- Ahmedabad
- Indja
We are renowned manufacturer, exporter and distributor of woven wire mesh, perforated sheets, welded wire mesh, test sieves, chain link fencing, wire netting, nylon bolting cloth, fiberglass mesh,... Aqra Aktar »
- Servizzi ta 'akkwist, tagħmir oilfield | Akkwist jew xiri servizzi, tagħmir raffinerija | Servizzi ta 'akkwist, tagħmir ...
- New Delhi
- Indja
We, Geeta Industries, stepped into the market in the year 1971. We are an ISO 901:2008 accredited manufacturer, supplier and exporter of Milk Cans, Lockable Milk Cans, Dressing Drums, Can Plunger and... Aqra Aktar »
- Valvoli bil-ballun | Qamħ | Ħjut | Prodotti tal-plastika | Kaxxi tal-kartun, tal-kartun jew tal-kartun | Kaxxi t...
- New Delhi
- Indja
Shiva group is a textile manufacturing company in India
We have facilities for:
Weaving / processing / garments as per buyers demand / specification.
To manufacture:
100% cotton / polycotton /... Aqra Aktar »
- Għodod tal-bennejja | Valvoli ""farfett | Uniformijiet tal-militar | Prodotti tal-plastika | Kaxxi tal-kartun, ...
- New Delhi
- Indja
An OverviewSince its inception in 1988, BONUS PLASTICS specializes as the manufacturer and exporter of Narrow Woven Fabrics (Webbings), Trouser Belts and Safety Belts for different applications.... Aqra Aktar »
- Tubi, ġeotessuti | Kanali tal-ventilazzjoni, tessuti | Waistbands, tessuti | Ħjut | Belting, tessili, għall conveyors | ...
- Ahmedabad
- Indja
Importers of Glass Beads, Seed Beads and Rocaiue Beads Sequel Beads.
- Tindif tat-tagħmir | Aċċessorji (għamara) | Oġġetti tal-kartolerija | Twapet | basktijiet | Adeżivi u tejp | Elettrodi |...
- Delhi
- Indja
Manufacturer And Exporters of Material Handling Equipment, Conveyor Machinery, Packaging Machinery and Automation Systems. Keywords: Packaging Machinery and Automation Systems.
- Tubi, ġeotessuti | Xkupilji, wajer | Kanali tal-ventilazzjoni, tessuti | Għamara, tal-metall, għall-vetturi | Bunks għ...
- Secunderabad
- Indja
QUALITY PACKERS/vinyl packers/anti corrosive packaging
DISTRIBUTOR OF Valvoline Cummins ltd. Tectyl products.
Industrial lubricants distributors
Polka dotted hand... Aqra Aktar »
- Kuntratturi għall-produzzjoni tal-elettriku u l-industrija ta 'distribuzzjoni | Servizzi tal-kurriera | Valvoli ...
- Warangal
- Indja
Uxem has been a subcontractor of flexible foams since 1975. In our extended production-facility of 5000m2, we manufacture and apply technical foam parts. Our assortment consists of: polyurethane... Aqra Aktar »
- Slielem, ħabel | Karta tat-twaletta | Srievet, imkatar u tessuti tal-wiċċ, materjal artab taċ-ċelluloża | Toilet paper, ...
- Lelystad
- Olanda
1987 founded in Taipei/Taiwan, EVERYEST CORPORATION specialized in OEM vinyl dolls, silicone vinyl dolls, silicone dolls and porcelain dolls. It is a doll manufacture and provides a series of... Aqra Aktar »
- Ħwejjeġ boy settijiet | Ħwejjeġ tat-tfal settijiet | Forom | Ippakkjar ieħor rigal | Snajja Clay | Aċċessorji ġugarell |...
- Huizhou City
- Ċina
Produktion und Export Seidengarne und -gewebe Stickzwirne, Polyesterzwirne Viscosegarne, Baum- und Zellwollgarne Färberei
- Servizzi tan-knitting, medd | Servizzi ta 'pproċessar, sistema filament kontinwu, għall-fibri magħmula mill-bniedem | Pa...
- Hard
- Awstrija
ARCABOX is a paper mill specialised in the manufacturing of plastic (PVC - PP - PET - lenticular) and cardboard packaging, customised products by means of high-definition printing.
- Publishing, oġġetti mixxellanji | Plastics - l-ippakkjar | Kaxxi, kartun | Materjali Ippakkjar - karti u kartunċin | Ka...
- Palazzolo sull'Oglio
- Italja