मुख्य पृष्ठ


Chris has spent his life in the entertainment industry. As an international puppeteer he presented his act at casinos and clubs in Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, Naples, Paris, Rome and other cities as well as on cruise ships. He now offers a very entertaining stand-up comedy ventriloquism act, comprising comedy ventriloquism, a touch of magic and audience participation (walk about and table hopping if required) as well as children's entertainment.

Children under three: This age group needs a short simple show. We recommend a forty to fifty minute programme of puppets, kindergarten conjuring and ventriloquism with "Humpty Dumpty" or one of Mister Chris' lovable animal caricatures

Children aged four to five: A variety programme is best, to last one hour. Punch and Judy, magic, ventriloquism and balloon sculpture.

Children aged six to eight: The programme for these young people is more adult. Ventriloquism, magic, juggling, troublewit etc. Punch and Judy is also often appreciated.

Children of mixed ages: For parties large or small, in theatres or living rooms, however many or few children, from tots to teens, this programme will please.

Juggling: Audience participation with the spinning plates.

Troublewit and paper tearing:The art and skill of folding and tearing paper into patterns and all types of objects.

Magic: Several different magic shows including "Eastern magic", "The conjuring clown", "Party time magic". Balloon sculpture. The art of making animals and people by modelling with balloons.

Ventriloquism: Introducing "Clarence Rabbit", "Mr. Uke", "Daniel Duck", "Charley Chatter", "Monty the Cat", "Humpty Dumpty", "Sulvester the Talking Snake".

Punch and Judy: This traditional entertainment of excitement and comedy is beautifully dressed and professionally presented. All the fun and excitement. The traditional characters with less violence and no "baby bashing" for todays young audience. Mister Chris has several different presentations of Punch and Judy, all of them include the knock-about fun that parents will remember from when they were young. Mister Chris is still requested to do the old-time Punch and Judy, but more and more are asking for his new stories.

Reviews of Mister Chris

Opening Hours:

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