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Pumpkin Seeds For Sale

Gresskar kjerner

$ 950 USD / Metric Ton


1 År (s)




Pumpkin seeds are one of the most generally devoured kinds of seeds, and are acceptable wellsprings of phosphorus, monounsaturated fats and omega-6 fats.

A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of pumpkin seeds contains (37):

Calories: 151

Fiber: 1.7 grams

Protein: 7 grams

Monounsaturated fat: 4 grams

Omega-6 fats: 6 grams

Manganese: 42% of the RDI

Magnesium: 37% of the RDI

Phosphorus: 33% of the RDI

Pumpkin seeds are additionally acceptable wellsprings of phytosterols, which are plant aggravates that may assist lower with blooding cholesterol.

Import / eksport

10.00 Metric Ton

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