За нас
We search for the supplier of a cable twisted pair.
Basic production us interests:
utp cat5e 4*2*0, 50 cca 305m / box
utp cat5e 4*2*0, 50 cu 305m / box
Also other kinds of a cable, external, FTP and others.
Money the turn with China makes ours more 500000USD in a year.
We take the first places in Ukraine on cable sale twisted pair.
We wait from you for the prices for a cable twisted pair.
The minimum party which are ready to buy-2300box / 305m the container 40hq.
We have developed directions:
- Cable UTP, FTP, SFTP cat5e, cat6 external, pendant;
- An optical cable, external, pendant;
- Bicycles, parts to bicycles;
Деловни податоци
Не се достапни
Дистрибутер, Агент, Берза
5 - 10 луѓе