Limit Switches
Product description
Safety Limit Switches
Our PS Series safety limit switchesprovide information on thestatus of mobile safety gates,that have to be used to allowaccess to a dangerous area. Ifthe switches are dirty (i.e.: byfood and beverage) or when theapplication requires the machineto be cleaned up, Carlo Gavazzi’ssafety magnetic switches provideclean and reliable information onthe door status.
Safety Mats
Sometimes, expecially in ceramicsor wood applications, the dustdoes not allow the proper workingof light curtains. This problemcan be solved by Carlo Gavazzi’sSM Series safety mats, whichcover the floor below the dangerousarea, detect the presence ofpersonnel and can then stop themachine. All this information isconveyed to the machine, throughour safety modules, which controlthe machine’s functioning
Safety Light Curtains
When it is critical to know if personnelhave accessed a dangerousarea our SB Series safety lightcurtains provide a wide range ofsolutions. Devices with differentresolutions and sizes succeed indetecting someone entering thedangerous area.
Solid State Relays
Solid State Contactors
Contactors & Overloads
Manual Motor Starters
Soft Starters
Variable Frequency Drives
Industrial Relays
SwitchesPush Buttons
Pilot Lights