
  • Taunusstr. 10
  • Nassau, Baden-Württemberg, 56377
  • Germany
  • Tel:+49 260 49 55 50
  • Fax:+49 2604 9555150
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About Us


LAHNTECHNIK GMBH - MAßGESCHNEIDERTE LÖSUNGEN IN DER KÄLTETECHNIK - VOM EINZELBAUTEIL BIS ZUM SYSTEM is a provider of products and services such as road transport services, tanker, chemical products,importers-exporters, rubber and plastic products,refrigerants,cooling equipment for lasers,freeze drying equipment, botanical,refrigerating chests, industrial,refrigeration plant for the food industry,refrigeration plant for edible fat and oil production,refrigeration plant for the wine industry,refrigeration plant installations for breweries,refrigeration plant and equipment for ice making plant,refrigeration plant for isothermal and self-powered containers,refrigeration plant for the chemical and petrochemical industries,cooling equipment, water, air and oil for compressors and engines,cooling equipment for compressed gas,cooling plant and equipment for steam, industrial,cooling plant and equipment for liquids, industrial,cooling tunnels, sugar confectionery, industrial,deep freezing rooms, bread and confectionery,deep freezing units for trawlers,refrigerated containers, mobile, temporary food storage,refrigerated stainless steel vessels for milk,frost-heave prevention equipment for refrigerated rooms,water cooling plant and equipment, industrial,cryogenic chambers,deep freezing plant and equipment for the food industry,refrigeration plant and equipment for hazardous areas,refrigerating cabinets, industrial,cold storage rooms, retailers',cold storage installations and equipment, industrial,cold storage rooms, modular, industrial,cold storage, mortuary,freezers, food industry,freezers, continuous, spiral, for the food industry,cooling units for switch cabinets,refrigerating units, low power, industrial,refrigerating units, absorption, industrial,refrigerating units, rotary, industrial,refrigerating units and equipment, transport,cooling units for reduction gears, torque converters and hydraulic couplings,tunnels, deep freezing,low temperature (cryogenic) production plant, expansion type,low temperature (cryogenic) production plant, magnetic cooling type,low temperature (cryogenic) production plant, refrigeration type,freezers, ice lolly,food thawing equipment, radio frequency (rf), industrial,polyvinyl alcohol (pva),dyes, synthetic, acid,dyes, aniline,dyes, synthetic, basic,dyes, synthetic, vat,dyes, synthetic, direct,dyes, synthetic, reactive,dyes, synthetic, oxidation,dyes, synthetic, disperse,dyes, synthetic, solvent,dyes, synthetic, premetallised,dyes, synthetic, developing, for textiles,dyes, nigrosine,dyes, synthetic, union,dyes, synthetic, hot, for metals,dyes, synthetic, cold, for metals,dyes, synthetic, household, for textiles,dyes, synthetic, for furs,dyes, synthetic, for feathers,dyes, synthetic, for paper and pulp,dyes, synthetic, for wood,dyes, synthetic, for plastics,dyes, synthetic, for textiles,dyes, synthetic, for man-made fibres,dyes, synthetic, for cotton,dyes, synthetic, for wool,dyes, synthetic, for silk,dyes, synthetic, for flax, jute and coir (coconut) fibres,dyes, synthetic, for ground rags,dyes, synthetic, for printing on man-made fibres,dyes, synthetic, for printing on cotton fabrics,dyes, synthetic, for printing on woollen fabrics,dyes, synthetic, for printing on jute and linen fabrics,dyes, synthetic, for hydrocarbons,dyes, synthetic, for antifreeze solutions,dyes, synthetic, for fats, oils and soaps,dyes, synthetic, for wax products,dyes, synthetic, for laboratory use,dyes, synthetic, for gases,dyes and mordants, synthetic, for batik,intermediates for synthetic dyes,dyes, nitro, nitroso,optical dyestuffs/optical whitening agents,colours, synthetic, for textile painting,colours, synthetic, for cement and artificial stone,colours, synthetic, for ceramics,colours, synthetic, for glass,colours, synthetic, for vitreous enamels,colours, synthetic, for paints and varnishes,colours, synthetic, for inks,colours, synthetic, for printing and graphic arts,colours, synthetic, for photographic use,stains, synthetic, facing, for bricks,refrigeration plant and equipment for scientific applications,sprayers, glass, medical use,refrigeration plants and equipment, commercial and industrial,auxiliaries for lakes and colours.

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Producer, Manufacturer

11 - 50 People


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