
  • Skabos Vei 4 PB 508
  • , Oslo, 021
  • Норвешка
  • ТЕЛ:+47 21 05 50 00
  • Факс:+47 21 05 50 01
  • Урл:

О нама


Authorized contractor within the areas: A, B, C1, C2, D1, D2. Offices, business buildings. Industrial buildings. Schools, hospitals. Housing construction, power plants, bridges and roads, air ports, water and sewerage systems, irrigation works, blasting, water towers, quays, offshore constructions, property development, road surfacing, chips and gravel, recycling of construction and building waste, road maintenance.

Пословни подаци

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Продуцент, Произвођач

101 - 200 људи


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