• 3f, No. 2, 26 Lane, Sung Chang Rd. , Taipei, Taiwan
  • Taipei, Tainan, 104
  • Тайвань
  • Тэл:886-2-24928468
  • Факс:886-2-24927260
  • Адрас:

Аб нас


Jingau Enterprise is a Taiwanese based company producing plastic processing machinery for industrial use.

Our machinery is projected and produced completely in Taiwan and received patent in Taiwan and China.

The following is our product:

1.PET bottles recycling line

2.PP/PE films recycling line

3.PP/PE bottles recycling line

4.Scrap tires recycling line

5.PP battery recycling line

6.CD/DVD recycling line

Камерцыйная інфармацыя

Няма ў наяўнасці

Вытворца, Дыстрыб'ютар

5 - 10 чалавек


Наша месцазнаходжанне