• No.9, Ln. 157 Yongfeng Rd., Taiping Dist.,
  • Taichung City, Taizhong, 411
  • Taïwan
  • Tél:+886422773659
  • Skype:jenntai-mandy
  • Url:

Filling Feeder

Mangeoires mines et de matériel similaire

$ 1000 USD / Unité


Non disponible



Description du produit

This machine can transport different parts simultaneously.

It can be set to control the filling operation when the material is full then the operation will be stop and when the filling is empty then the filling operation will be resume automatically

Import / export

1.00 Unité

FRANCO BORD (... port d'embarquement convenu), COUT, ASSURANCE ET FRET (... port de destination convenu)