О нама


We provide the most trusted local handyman service in South Shore MA. Our fast and affordable handyman service will bring your house back to life.

We know the pain of having so many things to do, but so little time. 

We believe people should spend less time working and more time living.   

We will complete the jobs that are taking up all of your hard earned and well deserved free time, so you can spend more time doing the things you love. 

With our handyman service, it is possible, to have free time and live in a well maintained home that you can be proud of, without breaking the bank.   

I started this handyman service because I want to help people, like you, with all of those little jobs that you never seem to have time for. We primarily cover towns in South Shore MA, but I am willing to go further for the right job.

If you live here and require ANY small job done, it is definitely worth getting in touch with me. I usually respond within 24 hours.


Business Email : joe@jarenaenterprises.com


Working hours : Mon to Sun : 9:00am - 5:00pm

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