Leitarniðurstöður fyrir: Petroleum útdrátt - kerfi og búnaður

Fundust 2832 fyrirtæki

LABBE is the specialist of the stainless steel processes equipments design and manufacturing as heat exchangers, columns, chemicals reactors, pressures vessels.
  • Verkfræði - iðnaðar ráðgjafar | Hita-skipti einingar | Eimingu dálka, fyrir hreinsunarstöðvar jarðolíu | Reactors | Fram...
  • Tournan-en-Brie
  • Frakkland
Xi'an Landrill Oil Tools Co., Ltd specializes in providing oilfield downhole drilling tools. Our office located in Xi'an Hi-tech industry development zone, which is a first-class... Lesa meira »
  • Eldsmíði | Bora bits, harður málmur, veggir, múrsteinar og steinn | Bora bits | Hanskar, dreilhansker | Bora krukkur | O...
  • Xi'an
  • Kína
  • Olíu útdráttur, vélar
  • Shanghai
  • Kína
Canadyne was formed in response to a market need for a flexible and dynamic manufacturing company to offer a complete range of high quality products and service solutions at competitive prices.... Lesa meira »
  • Geymslu rekki fyrir snúru hjóla | Aflgjafa einingar | Geymslu skriðdreka fyrir olíu, fljótandi þaki | Olía skimmers, iðn...
  • Richmond
  • Kanada
Welcome to Infinity Vape Supply, your ultimate destination in Australia for an extraordinary vaping experience. We offer a universe of the most popular disposable vapes, including brands like IGET... Lesa meira »
  • Gufu Domes | Reyktóbak
  • WA
  • Ástralía
Delattre Levivier Maroc, "DLM", leading the Moroccan and international markets for 60 years in heavy construction, boilermaking and pipework. DLM has earned the trust of the major operators... Lesa meira »
  • Golfvellir og golf miðstöðvar, hönnun og þróun ráðgjafar | Heilsa og öryggi í mælir tölva og tölva stjórnandi, ráðgjafar...
  • Casablanca
  • Marokkó
We design, manufacture, integrate and install industrial automation and process control systems for use across a wide variety of industries, in the UK and overseas. For more than 20 years APD Ltd... Lesa meira »
  • Rafmagns uppsetningu vinna | SCADA eða sambærilegt kerfi | Stjórna pallborð - rafmagns | Subsea eftirlitskerfi | Sjá...
  • Aberdeen
  • Bretland
RTI, connections and valves for instruments and pipes, has been a feature of the industrial market as a structured and organised entity specialising in contract supply of assembly materials for... Lesa meira »
  • Pipe og hólkur innréttingar málma | Pipe og hólkur járn málmur | Festingar klemmur | Gas innréttingar | Tengi, pípula...
  • Rodano
  • Ítalía
We are ISO 9001: 2008 certified manufacturer and exporters of latest technology instruments such as Scientific, laboratory and other testing equipments of highly international standards catering to... Lesa meira »
  • Uppsetning og eftirlit við flutning olíu rigs, ráðgjafar | Bergmyndanir og algerlega greinir | Jarðtækni vettv...
  • New Delhi
  • Indland
Regarding our offer spares quality, you can compare then others, you will find us best quality provider with reasonable price. It is our standard policy from very beginning that our supplying... Lesa meira »
  • Olía boranir búnaður | Olíu hreinsun - mannvirki og búnaður | Vélar til vinnslu olíu | Olíu sviði, búnaður | Olíu sviði,...
  • Mumbai
  • Indland
Liberty Lift has the solution when you need reliable oil & gas production. We combined deep artificial lift knowledge with solid engineering, innovative design, and manufacturing specifications... Lesa meira »
  • Olíu sviði, búnaður
  • San Antonio
  • Bandaríkin