
  • Opp. Raghuvir Estate, Dhebar Road (South)
  • Rajkot, Gujarāt, 360002
  • Indja
  • Tel:91-281-2361728
  • Fax:91-281-2361728
  • Url:

Dwar minna


Company Preface For catering to the growing requirements of woodworking machinery, we, Intimate Machine Tools, were established in 1972. Since our inception, we have been offering reliable machines based on innovative and leading edge technology. Founded by Shree Vallabhai D. Chhatralia, our company has grown progressively to achieve the status of leading manufacturer, exporter, supplier and trader in this domain.

Data tan-negozju

Mhux disponibbli

Grossista, Fornitur tas-Servizz, Manifattur, Produttur, Aġent

11 - 50 persuna


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