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Klearfold® Keeper Clear Packaging System

შესაფუთი ყუთები



არ არის შესაძლებელი

არ არის შესაძლებელი


პროდუქტის აღწერა

When production volumes don't justify the investment in injection molding tools, our patented Klearfold Keeper clear packaging system offers distinctive structural designs, similar to InSight, but at less cost. The Klearfold Keeper clear packaging system consists of a clear plastic sleeve that's designed to lock to a vacuum-formed tray or clear plastic clamshell. Vac-trays and clamshells are fabricated to conform to the shape of the product and to the desired cross-sectional package profile.

Klearfold Keeper offers easy and efficient hand-filling… the product is loaded into the vac-tray and the sub-assembly slides into the clear plastic sleeve. In-folded tabs on the sleeve engage a specially designed flange on the vac-form, locking the two components securely together, without the need for wafer seals or the use of sonic, RF, or heat sealing equipment.

A thumb-notch perforation in a corner of the clear plastic sleeve provides a unique, easy-opening feature. Removing the thumb-notch also removes the lock, allowing the tray to be easily disengaged from the clear sleeve.

US Patent Number: 8,936,188

As one of the plastic box manufacturers in China,Hlpklearfoldpvc will keep strive to offer you plastic sleeve packaging and other custom plastic box with high quality.