• 818 Lively Boulevard
  • Wood Dale, Illinois, 60191-1202
  • USA
  • Tlf.:(630) 521-9460
  • Fax:(630) 521-9466
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Focusing on new product development has resulted in numerous patents worldwide, and enabled us to develop products to address our customers' needs. Although we are technology oriented, we never lose sight of our most important task: to provide timely and dependable service to our customers. Careful attention is paid to operating conditions and other requirements that affect our customer's needs.

Domestic producers are extending their focus from sausages and hams to other nontraditional items such as pre-cooked entrees in an effort to increase their market share. Companies are also looking at export markets for new sales and new product lines.

To facilitate these developments, we have created project teams whose purpose is to carry each new product through a series of developmental stages

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