
  • Tasawade, Tal. Karad Dist.
  • Satara, Mahārāshtra, 415109
  • Indland
  • Sími:91-2164-258426
  • Fax:91-2164-258425
  • Url:

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Manufacturer and Exporters of A)Stators and Rioters for Hermetic And Semi-Hermetic Compressors, Domestic, Agricultural & Industrial Pumps, Fans, Elevators, Medical Applications, Electrical Motors, Special Pumpslike Canned Motor Pumps. B) Fully Assembled Products for Domestic Water Handling Pumps, Door Drive Motors for Elevators, Fan Motors for Air-Conditioners.

Viðskipti gögn

17045 dated 23.03.1974 (SSI Registration)

Heildsala, Framleiðandi, Leikstjóri

51 - 100 manns


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