
  • xintun fur zone, zaoqiang,hengshui,hebei
  • Hengshui, Hebei, 053100
  • Кина
  • Тел:86-318-8529605
  • Факс:86-318-8529605
  • Url:

За нас


We, HEBEI YANGGUANG FUR CO. LTD in CHINA, are specializing in all kind of fur products. We have been in this line for many years and have our own factory, so we can rest assured of our best quality and very competitive price.

Our main products:

Plates: rabbit plate, rex rabbit plate, hare rabbit plate, Kalgom lamb skin plate, Tibet lamb skin plate, pearl lamb skin plate, White lamb skin plate, mink scrap plate, fox scrap plateskidskin plate etc.

As to else products, we can do according to special request and orders of our clients at home and abroad.

Please feel free to contact with us at any time and we are always ready to serve you with pleasure.

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