polyester screen printing mesh
পণ্যের বিবরণ
polyester screen printing mesh
Textile printing, T-shirt printing, ceramic printing, glass printing.
More information you can view here
Material 100% polyester monofilament yarn
Weave Type PW 1:1
Mesh Count 18 ~ 450 mesh/inch 7T~180T mesh/cm
Color white and yellow
Width 1000 cm ~ 370 cm
Stock 2000 ~ 10000 meters each of common used specifications
Features High Tension and Low Elongation, Very good dimensionalstability and Excellent tear resistance
Custom Polyester Screen Printing Mesh Application: Silk screen printing, T-shirt printing, textile printing, ceramic printing, glass printing mesh, graphic printing, fabric printing, flat bed printing, PCB printing, CD/DVD printing, carpet printing etc.
Application:T-shirt polyester screen printing mesh, Textile printing mesh, graphic polyester printing mesh
Specification Mesh count Thread Diameter Mesh Opening Open Area Thickness Theoretic
Ink Volume
(mesh/cm) (mesh/inch) (um) (um) (%) (um) (cm3/m2)
7 18 350 1068 56 693 389
8 20 300 941 57 594 338
10 25 250 743 55 495 274
12 30 140 686 68 277 189
12 30 250 578 48 495 239
14 36 200 489 50 340 169
16 40 140 461 58 238 139
16 40 200 404 44 340 151
16 40 250 356 34 425 145
18 45 150 385 51 255 131
18 45 180 357 44 306 134
20 50 80 399 69 136 93
20 50 100 380 62 170 105
20 50 150 333 47 255 120
20 50 180 304 39 306 120
21 54 140 319 48 238 114
22 56 80 356 66 136 90
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