Tengivirkjum, fylgihlutir

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GlobeCore CMM-0.16 - the most compact in the range of GlobeCore Oil Purification Plants is designed for removal of free and dissolved water and mechanical contaminants from insulating, turbine, compressor and lubricating oils. It is ideally suited for servicing of transformers and other electrical equipment installed in basements, mines and other places with restricted access. Globe Core CMM 0.16 is available in semi-automated, automated (PLC controlled) and explosion proof versions. Optional equipment includes moisture probe and flowmeter with totaliser.

GlobeCore CMM-0.16:

• Removes Water from 100 ppm down to 10 ppm in a single pass and down to 5 ppm after 3 passes (ASTM method D-1533)

• Removes Particulate Matter to 5 microns as standard or down to 0.3 micron (optional)

• Improves dielectric strength up to 65 kV

Operational conditions:

• Oil viscosity must not exceed 70 centistokes at 50oC.

• Ambient temperature in the range from 0 to 35oC (273 to 308K);

• Atmospheric pressure from 84 to 106.7 kPa (630 to 830 cm. hg.);

• Height above mean sea level up to 2000 m;


The unit can operate in one of two modes:

- Oil filtration

- Water removal and filtration

Filtration mode

Gear pump draws the oil for processing via valve and strainer. Processed oil is then pumped through cartridge filter, three-way valve and is discharged to processed oil tank via connector.

Water removal and filtration mode.

Gear pump draws the oil from external tank for processing via mesh strainer and cartridge filter to the heat exchanger, where the oil is heated by the circulating heat conductor. The oil is fed to the vacuum chamber after being heated to 60oC. Vacuum pump maintains vacuum in the vacuum chamber. Vacuum can be regulated by valve and monitored on the vacuum meter. Filtered hot air comes into the chamber and removes gases and vapor from the oil’s surface, drying the oil. The air is then discharged into the atmosphere via oil separator by the vacuum pump. Gear pump directs the oil into the processed oil tank. A programmable thermal regulator switch monitors the plant’s operation continuously and maintains the pre-set temperature.


№ Specifications Value

GlobeCore CMM 0.16

1 Production capacity, m3/h: 0,16

2 Treated oil parameters:

- water content, ppm, maximum 5,0

- purity class (ISO 4406), minimum 9 (-/15/12)

3 Nominal filtration rate, micron 5

4 Outlet oil temperature, °С 60

5 Oil Pressure on outlet, MPa 0,20

6 Heater power consumption, kW 4,8

7 Total Power Consumption, kW 6

8 Electrical outlet parameters 50/60 Hz, V 380/220

9 Dimensions, mm,

length/width/height, mm 980/650/1550

10 Weight, kg 230

Innflutningur / útflutningur

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Gjöld þar kaupanda flytjanda mun undir öllum kostnaði þetta, Kostnaði þ.mt tryggingar og vöruflutningum til tilgreindum stað aðeins vaktstöð siglinga, Kostnaði þ.mt skipum til tilgreindum stað, allar tegundir ökutækja, Kostnaði þ.mt skipum og tryggingar að tilteknum stað, allar tegundir ökutækja

T/T, L/C, D/P, D/A