• Cll 29D No 22-81. Barrio Pie de la Popa
  • Cartagena De Indias, Bolívar, 0000
  • קולומביה
  • תל:57-300-4427662
  • פקס:57
  • כתובת אתר:

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דף הראשי


Genial Technology was created in 2008 with the marketing of electronic equipment in the city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, in 2009 began marketing of equipment, products and equipment for health, beauty and aesthetics, in south america. We differ from other companies for the quality of our products, performance and professionalism. New products are with high technology. Our mission is to maintain long term relationships with our customers and meeting their needs. We welcome your complaints or suggestions to improve our services.

קראו עוד »
