Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance was formed in 1882 to mutually insure the property of its members against loss or damage by fire or other hazards. The territory that Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance is limited to is Guthrie County, IA and counties contiguous thereto. Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance obtained a perpetual charter in December 1956. Today Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance works with eight (8) independent insurance agencies and fifty (50) agents to serve the policyholders. Please check our list of agents located on the agency page to find a local agent near you to serve you insurance needs for you and your family.
Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance mutually insures the property of its members against loss or damage by fire, lighting and or other hazards. Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance provides claim service for individuals that have policies with the Company, and provides underwriting services as well. A Board of Directors directs the Company operations and they are elected by the policyholders.
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