• 127022
  • Hialeah, Florida, 33012
  • ایالات متحدهٔ امریکا
  • تلفن:(305) 320-5488
  • فکس: ---.---.-----
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درباره ما


Fair Trade Consulting LLC (Precios CIF) is a company strategically located in Miami, USA that since 2010 has been specializing in integral solutions of international need on the acquisition and supply of machinery, equipment and industrial materials, all of them mainly directed towards the Latin American Construction industry, among others.

Our principal mission is to understand and meet the supply needs of our customers, identifying suppliers and opportunities in the global market that will allow us to satisfy our customers needs under the best conditions of quality, pricing and time of delivery. Along with our clients, we design and execute strategies of supply that would generate an important reduction in costs.

We maintain a close relationship with a wide variety of suppliers in Nor

اطلاعات کسب و کار

در دسترس نیست

در دسترس نیست

کمتر از 5 نفر


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