Otsingu tulemused: Kontrollimised ja testimised
Leitud 30100 ettevõttedKategooriad
Tekro has been on the Czech market since 1991, specializing in production and consultancy in the field of breeding domestic and farm animals and providing for their nutrition.
We are one of the... Loe edasi »
- Loomasööt | Maisijahu, loomasöödaks | Lutsernijahu, dehüdreeritud, loomasöödaks | Viinamarjajahu, loomasöödaks | Heinaja...
- Prague
- Tšehhi
We started activities in the middle of the 90´s and have certified customers and projects in America and Europe
Chemical, Tourism, accommodation, automotive, biotechnology, food, construction, ... Loe edasi »
- Tõendamisteenused | sertifitseerimisteenuste, infoturbe halduse süsteemi (ISMS) | sertifitseerimise teenuste t...
- Köln
- Saksamaa
AQI Service as a professional third-party quality control inspection company in China, found in 2004, has more than 40 active quality inspectors, providing professional quality control service in... Loe edasi »
- Tööstustoodete testimine ja tehniline kontroll | Kvaliteedi tõendamise teenused, kaubanduses ja tööstuses | juht...
- Kowloon
- Hongkong
International level consulting in Italy, Europe and over 90 countries. Research, direct contacts, distributors, agents for commercial transactions, outsourcing, decentralisation, market studies,... Loe edasi »
- Majanduse sektoriaaluuringud | Ergonoomika konsultandid | Äripindade optimiseerimine, konsultandid | Tehnoloogilise ...
- Ferriera
- Itaalia
RIVELEC has 2 branches: PLASTIFORM, registered trade mark, designer of impression-making products. KRISTAL: Technical products for preventive maintenance. Non-destructive Inspection inventor using... Loe edasi »
- Tehnilised konsultandid kütte-, ventilatsiooni- ja kliimaseadmete alal | Tehnilised konsultandid, metallist ...
- Aubergenville
- Prantsusmaa
Altoros is a professional IT services provider specializing in delivering fully managed solutions based on NoSQL databases and solid technology stack: .NET frameworks, Ruby, NodeJS, Angular,... Loe edasi »
- Integreeritud tehnilised teenused | Tarkvara programmeerimis- ja nõustamisteenused | Tarkvara integreerimise ...
- Pleasanton
- Ameerika Ühendriigid
Agility International Trade is a Brazilian company, with global operations in the segment of import and export of fertilizers, chemicals and food additives. It provides consultancy and agency in the... Loe edasi »
- Inseneriteenused, väetiste tootmine | Toiduained - import ja eksport | eksportida sertifitseerimisteenuste toiduainete ...
- Nova Lima
- Brasiilia
The King’s Mitigator Inc. is a 24/7 emergency fire, smoke & water remediation, roofing, gutters, siding, flooring & home remodeling service with over 50-years’ experience in the construction i... Loe edasi »
- Vannitubade ehitustööd | Spordirajatiste katused | Torujuhtmete lekke avastamine ja lokaliseerimine | Katusetööd ja muu...
- New Albany
- Ameerika Ühendriigid
Effective Lab India is a Leading Manufacturer and Exporter of a highly commendable and diverse range of Lab Testing Instruments like Cass Test Chamber, Salt Spray Test Chamber, Laboratory melt flow... Loe edasi »
- Masinate ja seadmete testimine | Laboratooriumi juhatamine | Mineraalide ekspertiis | Värvide ja pinnakatete ekspertiis ...
- Faridabad
- India
Take the next step toward your improved health. Find out if our programs are right for you by filling out our New Patient Inquiry Form. Your journey to well-being starts here!
- Tervisekeskused | Väsivuspiiri ja tõmbetugevuse testimine | Hormoonid (hormonaalsed analüüsid) | Rasvumine ja ülekaal (r...
- Chapel Hill
- Ameerika Ühendriigid
Our name says it all.
AMPM Calgary Locksmith is ready to provide excellent locksmith service at any hour of the day or night. We have been serving the community of Calgary for many years and have... Loe edasi »
- Teenused | Lukksepateenused | Konsultandid, ohutusseadmete projekteerimine ja arendus | Tööstuse ohutuskontroll | L...
- Calgary
- Kanada
INSCAL - Instrument Calibration Service Centre specialized in Instrument Calibration and supplying, servicing of industrial and engineering instruments for Pressure, Thermal, and Electro – Technical, ... Loe edasi »
- Kalibreerimisteenused | Elektriline kalibreerimine | Elektromehaaniline kalibreerimine | Dimensionaalne kalibreerimine...
- Hosūr
- India
Delattre Levivier Maroc, "DLM", leading the Moroccan and international markets for 60 years in heavy construction, boilermaking and pipework. DLM has earned the trust of the major operators... Loe edasi »
- Golfiväljakute ja -komplekside arendusprojektide konsultandid | Tervise- ja turvakonsultandid, arvuti ...
- Casablanca
- Maroko
Harlan is a leading provider of essential, pre-clinical and non-clinical contract research, research models, lab animal diets, and services and is unique among suppliers of research models and... Loe edasi »
- Inseneriteenused, farmaatsiatoodete alal | Inseneriteenused, polümeeride tehnoloogia | Konsultandid, kosmeetika ja ...
- Itingen
- Šveits
Our commitment is to build long lasting relationships with our customers by providing the clear choice for heating, cooling and plumbing solutions with our team of qualified, reliable and thoroughly... Loe edasi »
- Geotermiliste elektrijaamade ehitustööd | Keskkütte paigaldamine | Torustiku, kütte- ja kliimaseadmete paigaldus | Küt...
- Exton
- Ameerika Ühendriigid
EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc. is a natural resource consulting firm operating in western and northern Canada. EDI provides a full-suite of environmental and natural resource consulting services,... Loe edasi »
- Geoloogilised ja geofüüsilised nõustamisteenused | Metsandusteenused | Konsultandid, keskkonnamõjude hindamine | Kes...
- Prince George
- Kanada
Keeping pace with industrial growth, the Peco Group was started in 1990. PECO Valves (P) Ltd. was founded with the ambition of providing quality valves To Marine, Nuclear, Space, Fossil Fule Power,... Loe edasi »
- Ventiilide teimimise teenused | Valves, kauplustes | Masinad ja seadmed Kaevandus
- Mumbai
- India
ZySoftec is an online software agency providing software solutions to businesses and startups. We have a highly skilled team of developers and designers that add value to businesses. Our customer... Loe edasi »
- Tarkvara arendusteenused | Graafika tarkvara arendusteenused | Sisuhalduse tarkvara arendusteenused | Kasutajateenuste...
- Los Angeles
- Ameerika Ühendriigid
Asbestos Removal Brooklyn Pros are your local experts in asbestos removal, insulation removal, and abatement. No job is too big or too small for our highly experienced professionals. We can help you... Loe edasi »
- Asbestieemaldus - ettevõtjad | Asbesti eemaldamisteenused | Asbesti eemaldamine | Asbesti nõustamine ja asbesti t...
- Brooklyn
- Ameerika Ühendriigid
This, your company is a Certification and Inspection Body founded in the middle of the 90´s with certified customers and projects in Europe and America. International Offices in, Germany, Austria, ... Loe edasi »
- Kvaliteedi juhtimine, konsultandid | Riskijuhtimine, konsultandid | Keskkond | Keskkonnanõustamine ja -kontroll | ...
- Zaragoza
- Hispaania
Established in 2016, BugRaptors is a Quality Assurance and Software Testing Company providing quality engineering solutions around the globe. BugRaptors brings you a team of 200+ ISTQB-certified... Loe edasi »
- Tarkvara tugiteenused | Tarkvara testimis- ja hooldeteenused | Tarkvara testimine | Kvaliteedi juhtimine, konsultandid...
- Mohali
- India
Tantalus Vineyards was founded on the belief that exceptional wines made from a single vineyard of outstanding pedigree would capture the imagination and palates of those seeking authenticity and a... Loe edasi »
- Veini, õlle ja piirituse testimine | Punavein, Pinot Noir | Valge vein, Chardonnay | Valge vein, Gewürztraminer | Vein, ...
- Kelowna
- Kanada
Ctp engineering operating in the water cooling tower manufacturing and sales,have a lot of engineers and technicians . Therefore ,ctp engineering have a dynamic structure. Our have manufacturing... Loe edasi »
- Jahutustornide ehitustööd | Tornjahutite/gradiiride projekteerimine ja ehitamine, tellisest või betoonist | Tehnilised k...
- Gaziantep
- Türgi
We offer the best actuator valves and valve automation in the industry. Superior quality. 25 years of experience. Call us at (713) 934-0171 for a free quoteWith 25 years of industry experience, we... Loe edasi »
- Ventiilide teimimise teenused | Tööstusarmatuuri ventiilid | Ventiilid, külmutusseadmetele | Hüdroventiilid | Ventiilid ...
- Cypress
- Ameerika Ühendriigid
FATI manufactures shielded heating elements using standard construction, IP 65, IP 66 and IP 67 leakproof and Ex-approved explosion-proof, for use in places where there is a high risk of explosion... Loe edasi »
- Kvaliteedisertifikaadid | Lehtradiaatorid | Elektrielemendid | Takistid | Elektrilised juhtimispaneelid | Akud ja...
- Cusago
- Itaalia
Backed by over 40 years of history and experience, Sonic Enclosures has built a reputation for integrity, uncompromising quality, and engineering excellence in the design and manufacturing of mobile... Loe edasi »
- Generaatorite remondi- ja hooldusteenused | Infotehnoloogia teenused | Soojakhaagised | Electronic kaitsed tootjad |...
- Delta
- Kanada
At Caring Hands Elder Care, we are dedicated to providing the best elder care services in Kolkata, catering to both medical and non-medical needs. Our comprehensive range of services ensures the... Loe edasi »
- Autorent | Massaažiteenused | Füsioteraapiateenused | Meditsiiniteenused | Kiirabiteenused | Kontrollimised ja t...
- Kolkata
- India
DWB Consulting Services Ltd. (DWB) is a dynamic, multidisciplinary consulting firm that specializes in offering a full suite of value-added engineering, environmental and forestry services to our... Loe edasi »
- Ehitusprojekti juhtimisteenused | Ehituse keskkonnamõju analüüs | Geoloogilised ja geofüüsilised nõustamisteenused | Met...
- Prince George
- Kanada
Industrial Forestry Service Ltd. (IFS) is a natural resource-based consulting firm specializing in multi-phase resource development activities, forest seedling production and silviculture... Loe edasi »
- Geoloogilised ja geofüüsilised nõustamisteenused | Metsandusteenused | Metsade planeerimine ja uuendamine | Me...
- Prince George
- Kanada