
  • 10 Achalla Road, Asaba, Delta State. Nigeria
  • Asaba, Nigeria
  • نيجيريا
  • هاتف:00234-803-8920909
  • فاكس:00234-803-8920909
  • موقع إلكتروني:

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Looking to establish a relationship with importers of Cassava,Palm Produce and Honey. Estel Farms was established in 2000 and is based in Asaba Delta State Nigeria. The farm cultivate a total of 25 acres of land producing Cassava, Poultry and Piggery. It has a production capacity of over 100 metric tonnes of Cassava a month. The products are quality controlled by NAFDAC(Nigerian Agency for Food and Drug Administration).It currently markets Cassava,Palm Produce and Honey for export and local consumption.

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