• Jl. Asem Baris raya
  • Tebet, Jakarta, 12830
  • อินโดนีเซีย
  • โทร:62-021-99016329
  • โทรสาร: ---.---.-----
  • url:



Elastin Natural Indonesia

- The Power Elegance of Good Perfume

Derives from our mission in enhancing and verify the beauty and natural appearance of every women and men, we believe that beauty and fragrance inspires ones inner beauty.

Smell should co-play not only with mood, but what is more important with your skin. Then, alchemy of aroma will set.

Exceptional perfumes , should affect senses - through smell, consistency, appearance and manner of resting, which for example in our products sometimes requires assistance of your partner.

Their usage has to make you feel better, to make your good mood, dispose for world positively and give amenity, so big that you can divide it with second person! This rituals are not too complicated.

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