
  • Chaksibari Paryatan Marg, Thamel
  • Kathmandu
  • Nepal
  • Tel:977-01-4701022
  • Fax:977
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Sun Nepal Traders and Exports has been established to meet the any kind of requirements around the world to increase the importance of fashion industries. Generally, the main purpose of Sun Nepal Traders and Exports is to make the fashion industries more wide and to bring the industries with competition. We are manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing our products like felt, woolen, silk and hemp all around the world.

Our products have been already exported to European countries like Spain, Germany, Italy, and France. Not only through the Europe, but also we have speeded our products towards Asian and North American countries. However, we are trying to make our business global and export our products around the world.

What we do?

Sun Nepal Traders and Exports manufactures wholesales and retails the full range of products made from woolen, felt, silk, hemp e.t.c. The products manufactured are: felt bags, hats, shoes, muffler, accessories, woolen sweater, bags, caps, jackets, silk bags, purses, hemp bags, hats and more.

Company Profile:

Company Name: Sun Nepal Traders and Exports

Company Address: Sayapatri Nagar, Gangabu-3, Kathmandu, Nepal

Mailing Address:, Thamel-16, Kathmandu, Nepal

Contact Number: 00977-1-4701022(office)

00977-1-4365308 (Factory)

Mobile: 00977-9841325328

Type of Business : Proprietorship


Website: www.nepal-export.com

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