• 200 Red Road
  • Coatesville, Pennsylvania, 19320
  • الولايات المتحدة
  • هاتف:484-784-5667
  • فاكس:(610) 383-4239
  • موقع إلكتروني:



The DPR products are low molecular weight, liquid polymers of natural rubber. The chemical backbone is cis-1,4 polyisoprene. DPR liquid rubber offers processing flexibility and performance options for a wide range of applications. Liquid natural rubber improves rubber and polymer compounding and final processing. It acts as a plasticizer to reduce cycle time and energy consumption. Since it cures by the same mechanism as natural rubber, it becomes part of the polymer matrix and remains non-fugitive. This extends the life of the finished products.

Typical Applications

DPR liquid rubber provides all the performance properties of natural rubber in a convenient liquid. Liquid rubber performs many functions in a wide range of applications:

* Reactive rubber processing aid for the TIre In

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