• 3885 Henning Dr
  • Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6N5
  • カナダ
  • 電話番号:604.294.4600
  • ファックス:604-294-4609
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Printed Circuits








The Expertise and Experience to Build Your PCBAs

Printed circuit boards drive virtually every electronic device on the planet, and we have the expertise and experience to assemble them.

From automated SMT assembly of the latest microBGA components to selective soldering of high density I/O connectors, our highly skilled team and state-of-the-art equipment can handle virtually any project.

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in every facet of the production process – from our process engineering decisions regarding the use of water soluble soldering processes versus no-clean processes, to conducting a stringent “first article” review on a new established SMT assembly job as the first boards come off one of Dorigo’s SMT assembly lines.

For our customers, our experience translates into superior reliability, fewer returns and a stronger bottom line.