• 755 boulevard saint-jean, suite 200
  • Pointe-Claire, Quebec, H9R 5M9
  • Kanada
  • Tel:514-693-8500
  • Fax:514-693-5352
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Dial-Gate Softswitch PBX

Pertukaran cabang telepon, swasta, protokol internet (IP PBX / VoIP PBX)



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Deskripsi Produk

Dial Gate is a web-based softswitch and billing server for the VoIP and PSTN networks. Based on the SIP standard platform, it provides clear, real-time communications over IP networks. Once installed on a server, Dial Gate functions as a VoIP soft switch by connecting calls from one phone line to another within the same or different networks. At the same time, it offers advanced real-time monitoring, pre- & post-paid billing, automatic invoice scheduling & call-plan subscriptions.

Fully interoperable with the industry's leading gateways, phones & equipment, Dial Gate easily integrates with legacy TDM & IP networks. Its comprehensive design and innovate technology allow it to support NAT/Firewall, failover & high-availability environments.

Dial Gate Softswitch has a high scalability factor & offers an expanding line of options that place service providers in a favorable position to generate a quick return on investment, notably due to its low start-up costs.