• 22 / 77 Rachadapisek Rd. , Chatuchak
  • Bangkok, 10900
  • Tajlandja
  • Tel:66-2-5115066
  • Fax:66-2-5116008
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Paġna prinċipali


The department is entrusted with the following duties and responsibilities to:

Promote and expand the market for thai exports in goods and servicesby penetrating new markets and to preserve existing ones.

Develop and perform activities that promote trade and increase the competitiveness of the export sector, for instance, the expansion of production bases overseas.

Reinforce the ability of thai exporters to deliver goods and services that are of international standards and meanwhile increasing the competitiveness of thai exporters to further penetrate the international market.

Build a positive image of thai goods and services and thereby increases the market's confidence in thai product, in terms of quality and prompt delivery of service.

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