• 2002, South Hoover Street
  • Los Angeles, California, 90007
  • Злучаныя Штаты
  • Тэл:888-905-0226
  • Факс: ---.---.-----
  • Адрас:

Аб нас


Dentulu is the leading teledentistry platform in the United States region. Apart from the virtual dental consultations, Dentulu provides various dental services to the patients and providers.

Services offered by Dentulu:

1. Find a local dentist near your area

2. Mobile dentistry to your home

3. Senior people dentistry

4. Hospice dental care

5. 24/7 Emergency dentists

6. Dental consultation and monitoring

7. Saliva testing services

8. Dental clinic management software for the service providers / dentists.

9. Dental second opinion

10. Buy intraoral camera

Камерцыйная інфармацыя

Няма ў наяўнасці

Вытворца, Вытворца, Пастаўшчык паслуг

101 - 200 чалавек


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