• 7 Karatasou St
  • Monospita Anthemia, 59035
  • ギリシャ
  • 電話番号:30-23320-42153
  • ファックス:30-23320-43317
  • ウェブページ:



D A Prantsidis Co manufactures all of the products it sells. Using modern and state of the art tooling, gutters, downspouts and gutter accessories are produced. A stamping line was added in 1989, which is used to manufacture endcaps, pipebands, outlet cups, extruded miters, extruded galvanized elbows and a wide range of hangers, etc. By utilizing modern manufacturing processes, D A Prantsidis Co is able to offer it's customers the highest quality on products and fast execution of orders for a reasonable price. All of the items manufactured by D A Prantsidis Co are designed by former gutter installers and engineers with the gutter professional in mind. We are continuing to study new products to add to our manufacturing / stamping line to keep D A Prantsidis Co the forefront of roof drainage technology and leaving the oppositions behind.

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