
  • 337 Changchunlu, Xigang
  • Dalian, Liaoning, 116013
  • Çin
  • Tel:+86 411 82496775
  • Faks:+86 411 82499636
  • Web adresi:

Ana sayfa


Joint Venture Opportunities: Combinable microwave of Company: Our main products are: after wax for textiles, microwave absorber awarded as the best products by our municipal government and sharing 60% of Chinese domestic market in sales. absorbers and eletrowave absorbers. Joint Venture Opportunities: Combinable microwave Combinable size and sizing-scouring, dyeing-printing, absorbers and eletrowave absorbers. softeners-finishing for textile industry. Combinable size and sizing-scouring, dyeing-printing, Offering cooperative opportunities on eletronic softeners-finishing for textile industry. product, light industry projects based on 4,000 square Offering cooperative opportunities on eletronic meters workshop. product, light industry projects based on 4,000 square meters workshop.

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