Søgeresultater for: Fremstilling af metal

Gevonden 638 bedrijven

RAS Industries Ltd. is a global leader in the design and manufacture of conveyor pulleys. By working closely with our customers, we have earned the reputation as an innovative company that can solve... Lees meer »
  • Armaturer, metal- | Fittings, metal, til trykluftrør og trykluftslanger | Lejer, gummiforede | Kædehjul | Remskiver, s...
  • Surrey
  • Canada
Kinnari Steel Corporation (KSC) are committed to manufacturing and exporting of stainless steel tubes fittings and brass fitting and exporting tubes to the full satisfaction to our customer KSC is... Lees meer »
  • Rustfrit stål | Kvadratiske stålrør | Ekstruderede produkter, halvfabrikata, stål | Fremstilling af råjern og råstål sam...
  • Mumbai
  • Indien
Stinger Welding has been a part of the Prince George community for almost 30 years. We offer a wide range of services – welding, fabricating, bridge fabricating, high pressure piping and on-site m... Lees meer »
  • Nedrivning og forberedende byggepladsarbejder | Installation af rørsystem | Bygge- og anlægsarbejde i forbindelse med s...
  • Prince George
  • Canada
Centrally located in the Port Kells area of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, with more than 26,000 square feet of manufacturing space, we offer a wide spectrum of services including pipe, tube, and... Lees meer »
  • Formgivning - stål og metaller | Bukning - stål og metaller | Stål og metaller - formgivning og spåntagning | Rør...
  • Surrey
  • Canada
We take an opportunity to introduce ourselves, Tamboli Engineers Pvt. Ltd. as one of the largest facilities available and tendering services in many segments like special tooling, jigs, fixtures,... Lees meer »
  • Metalindsprøjtningsmaskiner, præcision, til komponentmontage | Precision dele | Værktøjsmaskiner til præ...
  • Pune
  • Indien
We are committed in protecting and reducing the risk to life of motorists, pedestrians and workers from accidents, hazards and other potential dangers. We specialise in the manufacture of high... Lees meer »
  • Fremstilling af plastprodukter | Fremstilling af plast i ubearbejdet form | Stolper | Reflektorer til anbringelse ved...
  • Cessy
  • Frankrig
WAGNER-R company, division of metal sheets was founded in January 1990 and worked as building maintenance, gradually shifting its focus to the commercial activity. In 1996 leased the warehouse and... Lees meer »
  • Isætning af dørkarme af metal | Stål og metaller - formgivning og spåntagning | Fremstilling, emner af metalplade | Trå...
  • Kosice
  • Slovakiet
Onsite Machining. Field Machining. Portable Machine Tools. Yaw ring repair
  • Reparation og vedligeholdelse af gaspumper | Reparation og vedligeholdelse af pumper | Montage med...
  • Castellón
  • Spanien
Renaissance Fittings & Piping Inc is a highly acclaimed manufacturer and supplier of Long Radius Bends, Butt weld Fittings , Forged Fittings , Outlets, Flanges ,Fasteners ,Pipes , Tubes, Sheets ,... Lees meer »
  • Flanger | Rørledninger og fittings | Rør- og slangefittings - ikke-jernholdigt metal | Rørflanger, metal, til br...
  • Mumbai
  • Indien
SIMPLEX STEEL INDUSTRIES, an ISO 9001:2008 certified company, takes immense pleasure to introduce ourselves as a manufacturing unit for all kinds of pipe fittings like Elbow, Bends, Equal &... Lees meer »
  • Fittings til rørledninger | Rørflanger, metal, til brøndhoveder | Smedede produkter af jern | Fremstilling af rør og hul...
  • Thane
  • Indien
SSAB is a highly specialized, global steel company. The company is a leading producer on the global market for Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) and Quenched & Tempered Steels (Q&T),... Lees meer »
  • Stålkonstruktioner | Fremstilling af rør og hule profiler og tilhørende fittings af stål | Stålbjælker, producenter | Je...
  • Delta
  • Canada
Gerdau is the leading company in the production of long steel in the Americas and one of the major suppliers of specialty long steel in the world. With more than 45,000 employees, Gerdau has an... Lees meer »
  • Gevindfræsning, metal | Stål og metaller - formgivning og spåntagning | Spunsvægge | Tynde stålplader | Stålplader og bå...
  • Whitby
  • Canada
Sanghvi Impex Industries, one of the leading Manufacturers & Suppliers of Pipe Fittings, is a professionally managed group with management consisting of eminent team of Young, Talented &... Lees meer »
  • Armaturer, metal- | Rørledninger | Rør og slanger, stål- | Fittings, metal, til trykluftrør og trykluftslanger | Fre...
  • Mumbai
  • Indien
alikund Steel & Engineering Company (KSEC) is a leading manufacturer, supplier and exporter of all steel forged fittings like forged elbows, forged tees, unions, couplings, sockets, cross,... Lees meer »
  • Smedede produkter af jern | Fremstilling af råjern og råstål samt jernlegeringer | Smedede rørfittings
  • Mumbai
  • Indien
Kirti Forging (KF) has been a manufacturer (OEM) with over 30 years of experience. Our unique product includes Forge Bearing Ring (Races), Custom Forging & Machining. All products can be... Lees meer »
  • Smedemaskiner, automatiske, kontinuerte | Smede- og stukkemaskiner | Smedning, presning, stansning og varmpresning af...
  • Indien
AGC CHEMICAL is a leading company in the field of sourcing and supplying of various absorbents such as Zeolite Molecular Sieve, Carbon Molecular Sieve (CMS), Activated Alumina, Activated Alumina... Lees meer »
  • Svejsning | Elektricitetsproduktions- og elektricitetsforsyningsindustrien, installatører | Fugtisolering | ...
  • Delhi
  • Indien
Surya Steel & Alloys are the largest manufactures, stockists, supplier and exporter of various types of Forged Fittings whose application in various industries and is known for their durability... Lees meer »
  • Armaturer, metal- | Rørledninger | Rørledninger og fittings | Fittings, metal, til kobberrør | Fittings, metal, til br...
  • Mumbai
  • Indien
  • Aluminium og aluminiumslegeringer | Aluminiumslegeringer | Aluminiumslegering | Primær produktion af aluminium
  • Zhengzhou
  • Kina
With over 38 years of servicing the metals industry, New West Metals Inc. continues to offer top quality products at affordable prices with an emphasis on service. Our product is available from our... Lees meer »
  • Fremstilling af råjern og råstål samt jernlegeringer | Fremstilling af rør og hule profiler og tilhørende fittings af st...
  • Winnipeg
  • Canada
Forge Auto International Private Limited is a leading manufacturer of agricultural parts in India, renowned for its high-quality products and innovative solutions.
  • Støbejernsbarrer | Fremstilling af metal
  • Ludhiana
  • Indien
The EVRAZ Portland Rolling Mill is the only plate mill in the Western United States and adjacent Western Canadian Provinces. It is ISO 9001 registered, the international standard for quality... Lees meer »
  • Byggearbejde | Fremstilling af rør og hule profiler og tilhørende fittings af stål | Stålprodukter | Steel tværbjælke pr...
  • Portland
  • USA