• Jl. Raden Wijaya #30
  • Mojokerto, Jawa Timur, 61321
  • أندونيسيا
  • هاتف:+6281717174657
  • فاكس: ---.---.-----
  • موقع إلكتروني:

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من نحن


We are Indonesian-based trading company which dealing with various local products for export purposes. We are selling our services and working on commission basis. We are going to help buyer from all over the world who has interest to source their demand with Indonesia local products. Our trade items including but not limited to this category: food, agriculture, beverage, paper, chemical, plastic, textile, building material, rubber, stationery, etc..

بيانات العمل

غير متوفرة


أقل من 5 أشخاص

