
  • Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 614102
  • ভারত
  • টেলিফোন:91-44-24364591
  • ফ্যাক্স:91-44-42110454
  • ইউআরএল:

মুখ্য পৃষ্ঠা


Curtis 1000 Lifafa India Private Limited was established in 2001 as a joint-venture with Curtis 1000 Europe 1000 AG in Germany. In India, we manufacture all kinds of plain and printed machine made envelopes to international and Indian specifications using automated W+D machinery. Our products are meant to cater to mass mailers, bankers, corporates, Speed Posts and couriers besides the quality-minded mailing public. Specialized skills and precision hardware are required to produce quality envelopes. We have combined quality printing with a top-quality converting operation. This combination eliminates one's freight bills besides getting the job done faster and with more accuracy. The advantage with Lifafa is that your envelopes are from one source, one responsibility. We take care of pre-press to shipping under one roof supervised by well-qualified production operatives and management. We will provide prompt quotations besides meeting your demanding deadlines. We provide different ISO C and DL sizes besides your specific size requirements of envelopes in paper and Tyvek.

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