
  • F 33 / F, Block 4, Kenswood Court, Kingswood Villas
  • , 000
  • Honk Konq
  • Tel:852-97433648
  • Faks:852
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CSQ Taiwan Agricultural Products on Sales Clubhouse Introduction:

Business Goal:

1. Conscience Operation: Our price is fair--One price and ensure no fake product;

2. Sincere of Trade: Never deceive customer for profit, sincerely do business to our customer properly;

3. Quality Assurance: Quality is the first priority of operating a business. Commodities have been chosen carefully in order to ensure our customer can buy the best Quality product.

Four kinds of products we never sell Policies:

- Non-Taiwan goods;

- Artificial favor goods;

- Unsolicited goods;

- Disqualify product

Our Main products:

Taiwan High Mountain Tea, Specialty of Taiwan, Taiwan Fruits

Sales Method:

To tie in with the changes of time with the world trend, we choose to network sales, rounded down to shop or store sales transactions

Origin of Goods:

We have excellent choice in the origin of the farmers, with our local inspectors to ensure the quality and acceptance of the goods, and send out to our customers or consumers.

Company Commodity Prices:

Without a retry store, we have lesser face-to-face interaction with our consumers; but the most important thing is the unnecessary cost is cut down and feedback to our customers or consumers and to increase in price competitiveness


- E-Business

- Internet Sales Representatives

- Retail Shop Consignment

- Retail Shop Partner

CSQ Trade is now looking for the global franchises partners. If you are interested on our products, we are welcome you to join us.

Corporate network Resources: CSQ Trade internet provides free membership registration to our customers and consumers, to share our resources or information. But please do not copy any of our resources or information from CSQ Website to self-serving.

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