Lyfjagerð, almenna

$ 1.50 USD / Stykki


1 Ári (s)




Vardenafil treats erectile dysfunction in males, which is promising. Levitra markets and sells itself. Sexual activity increases penile blood flow, making it simpler for men to get and retain an erection. Vardenafil, like Tadalafil and Viagra, helps men recover or sustain erections. PDE5 inhibitors are named for the ingredient that makes them function (Cialis). These drugs inhibit phosphodiesterase type 5, which forms cyclic guanosine monophosphate, preventing its breakdown (cGMP). cGMP relaxes penile smooth muscles. Painful penile blood accumulation causes an erection. Vardenafil is best taken orally 30–60 minutes before sexual activity. The patient's response to the medicine and treatment compliance may need adjusting this dosage. Vardenafil works best when taken once a day at the indicated dose. Vardenafil, like many other medicines, may have unforeseen side effects, although not all users will experience them. Negative effects include headaches, flushes, runny or stuffy noses, and stomach pain. Headaches are typical side effects. Vision, hearing, chest discomfort, and a four-hour erection may occur simultaneously. All these symptoms may occur at once (priapism). Vardenafil may help treat erectile dysfunction without side effects. Before choosing a therapy, your medical history, medications, and other considerations will be considered.

Innflutningur / útflutningur

1.00 Stykki

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