• 731 Queen Street,
  • Thames, Waikato, 3500
  • न्यूज़ीलैंड
  • दूरभाष:07 868 8825
  • फैक्स: ---.---.-----
  • यूआरएल:

मुख्य पृष्ठ


Comfort Group is a family business that has extensive experience in the industry (we were founded in 1996) and a wide range of clients, including large commercial clients. We still run the business as a family business, though, focusing on our customers, ensuring we offer the best possible service, and building long-term relationships. We pride ourselves at Comfort Group on our ability to deliver fully bespoke solutions for our commercial clients. We are innovative and we are problem solvers with a can-do attitude that is combined with quality and service excellence.

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Comfort Group NZ Ltd updated address

Our new location address:

731 Queen Street,, Thames, Waikato, 3500, न्यूज़ीलैंड

Comfort Group NZ Ltd updated website

Visit our website @ https://www.comfortgroup.co.nz/