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Clearlab manufacture both Clear and cosmetic lenses, with factories in both Singapore and Korea.If you’re a frequent user of contact lenses, you’d understand the struggle of finding a pair that is not only of a comfortable fit, but also does not dry out too quickly across the day. On top of that, when you do find a comfortable pair, it is often the case that you would be spending an explosive amount. We understand this - here at Clearlab, we are committed to providing the perfect pair for you, at an affordable rate.As a company, our main manufacturing sites were established first in South Korea in 1985, before expanding to Singapore in 1990. Currently, we source for talents globally, and collaborate with many marketing affiliates worldwide in order to produce the finest qualities of contact lenses, made available to you online.

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Clearlab updated social links

Clearlab updated address

Our new location address:

139 Joo Seng Road, Singapore, {{state}}, 368362, Singapur

Clearlab updated website

Visit our website @ https://www.clearlablens.com