• No. 66, Sec. 3, Cheng Teh RD., Taipei, Taiwan
  • Taipei
  • تايوان
  • هاتف:00-8862-25944185
  • فاكس:00-8862-25924462
  • موقع إلكتروني:

من نحن


Sunchem Group consists of 3 business units as follows:

1. Cheng Lung Chemical Company Ltd.

A professional adhesive maker in Taiwan Area for 40 years with ISO9001 certified.

Main products:

Contact adhesives (chloroprene adhesives), PVAc emulsions, EVA emulsions and PU adhesives for shoe making, floor finishes, floor waxings and metal polishes.

Website: www.clchem.com

2. Suntex Rubber Enterprise Ltd.

One of the top tyre retread manufacturers in Taiwan Area for 30 years with ISO9001 and VPC certified.

Main products:

Retreaded tires, precured liners and rubber compounds.

Website: www.suntexrubber.com

3. Viewtum International Ltd.

An import/export company of new tires, tire casings, retreaded tires, air wrenches and air hydraulic jacks for tire demounting and tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS).

Website: www.viewtum.com

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الصانع, موزع

51 حتي 100 شخصا

