• #2 3051 Underhill Ave
  • Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 3C2
  • کینیڈا
  • ٹیلی فون:604-421-2929
  • فیکس:604-421-2911
  • یو آر ایل:

ہمارے بارے میں



Jim Lanzo opened the Burnaby Brewing Company in 1992 with the intention of bringing a high quality U-Brew experience to North Burnaby. Within the year a second floor was commissioned to be built to house a wine making and bottling facility. By 1993 the Winery was up and running.

After years of brewing extract beers the company felt it was important to bring a higher standard of U-Brewing experience to their customers and purchased the equipment necessary to begin brewing All Grain beers. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Customers and brewing staff alike were excited to experiment and develop their own specialty beers and recipes while also mastering the customer favourites. Today customers enjoy brewing and bottling their favourites, while some try their hand at developing their own tweaks and changes to some time tested favourites.

Today the winery is busy as ever as customers continually rave about our quality and selection. Elke Kloster, manager and wine specialist has even developed her own blends, Burnaby Brewing Exotica and Burnaby Brewing Exotica White. Both of these wines have quickly become staff and customer favourites and are our top sellers. The winery has also recently acquired some new filling equipment that has made bottling wine even more easy and enjoyable.

Regardless of whether you choose to brew All Grain, Extract, or even Wine, Burnaby Brewing is where you brew your best.

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