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You can find BizSpace Sheffield at Cricket Inn Industrial Estate. An ideal location for industrial businesses of all sizes looking for the first or next workspace, it's home to 16 commercial units suitable as light industrial units, workshops or small warehouses. And each unit comes with ample space to load and unload. Plus, there's on-site parking, 24-hour access and onsite security.

BizSpace Sheffield is part of a network of workspaces from BizSpace, the specialist in flexible workspaces for businesses of all sizes. Since 2000, we've helped companies of all sizes find the right workspace for them, thanks to our affordable spaces, flexible terms, and our ability to customise our spaces to businesses' needs. Come and see for yourself.

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BizSpace Sheffield updated social links

BizSpace Sheffield updated address

Our new location address:

Cricket Inn Industrial Estate, 1 Derwent Street, Sheffield, S2 5BN, Royaume-Uni