Best car insurance agents in Eugene. We work with top-rated insurance companies and give you the best rates and service. We give you the best rates and service, so you can get a better rate and get your job back. You can choose from over 6,000 car insurance agencies in Oregon. The one thing to know is that if you have a driver's license, you are in the insurance industry. The other thing to know is that although American Family Insurance offers auto insurance in Oregon, they are not your insurance agent. That means you have to visit an office and stand in a long line of people. When you do choose an Oregon auto insurance agent, you will need to be able to show proof of insurance in your vehicle. You will need to show proof of insurance in your vehicle every three years. You will also need to write a check to the office, along with proof of insurance. You can also choose from over 9,000 insurance agents in Oregon. The one thing to know is that if you have a driver's license, you are in the insurance industry. The other thing to know is that although American Family Insurance offers auto insurance in Oregon, they are not your insurance agent.