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Motion controller KZ-100

Undervisningsudstyr, industriel automatisering



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Motion controller KZ-100

Motion Controller

Motorized Stage



The mobile stage controller/driver is used for driving 2-phase  stepper motor. It can drive 4 motors independently at most. You can use its controlling stick to make motors run/stop manually. It also can be controlled by a PC through RS232 interface.  



(1)    X-DIR:Connect this port to X direction stepper motor of mobile stage using a DB9(female)-DB9(male) cable. Connection/Disconnection only when POWER OFF!

(2)   Y-DIR:Connect this port to Y direction stepper motor of mobile stage

using a DB9(female)-DB9(male) cable. Connection/Disconnection Only when POWER OFF!


 (3)    Z-DIR:Connect this port to Z direction stepper motor of mobile stage using a DB9(female)-DB9(male) cable. Connection/Disconnection only when POWER OFF!

(4)    L-DIR:Connect this port to L direction stepper motor of mobile

stage         using         a         DB9(female)       -   DB9(male)       cable.


Connection/Disconnection only when POWER OFF!

(5)   RS232:RS232 port, Connecting to RS232 port of PC。

(6)   DC18V3A(Power Supply):Using AC adapter in accessory。


(1)      The mobile stage controller/driver communicates with PC using interface of RS232;

(2)   RS232 prototype:Baud rates 57600,no parity,8data bits,1stop bits;

(3)    Method:PC sends 1 byte to the mobile stage controller/driver, then waits for the mobile stage controller/driver sending back a byte of 0Dh(ASCII of Return), until now the PC can send next byte to the mobile stage controller/driver. Repeat former procedure to finish a 4-byte-command。


(4)   Send a synchronous command before sending programming command.


The synchronous command is: 55h, 55h, AAh, 55h;


1st byte 2nd byte 3rd byte 4th byte Description

00h 00h-X speed Bit15~bit8      of Bit7~bit0  of Set speed of axis of X 、              

Programming command.Each programming command is composed of 4 bytes,described in following table:

01h-Y speed 02h-Z speed 03h-L 速度 speed speed Y  、 Z  、 L  , value between-512 to +511, using 16bits signed hexadecimal.

01h ××h* ××h* ××h* Upload forward/backward limit signal  bits  and  position value of axis of X,Y,Z, L. The definition of uploaded data are describe in the following example.

04h Bit23~bit16 value of distance of X Bit15~bit8 value      of distance of X Bit7~bit0 value of distance of X Set X axis motor to run certain distance in micro steps of stepper motor, value        of       distance between    -223~223-1  , using 24 bits of signed hexadecimal.             , 1microstep=1/12800 round of stepper motor。

05h Bit23~bit16 value of distance of Y Bit15~bit8 value      of distance of Y Bit7~bit0 value of distance of Y Set Y axis motor to run certain distance in micro steps of stepper motor, value        of       distance between    -223~223-1  , using 24 bits of signed hexadecimal.             , 1microstep=1/12800 round of stepper motor。

06h Bit23~bit16 value of distance of Z Bit15~bit8 value      of distance of Z Bit7~bit0 value of distance of Z Set Z axis motor to run certain distance in micro steps of stepper motor, value        of       distance between    -223~223-1  , using 24 bits of signed hexadecimal.             , 1microstep=1/12800 round of stepper motor。

07h Bit23~bit16 value of distance of L Bit15~bit8 value      of distance of L Bit7~bit0 value of distance of L Set L axis motor to run certain distance in micro steps of stepper motor, value        of       distance between    -223~223-1  ,




using 24 bits of signed hexadecimal.             , 1microstep=1/12800 round of stepper motor。


* ××h: Byte of any value of, but it can not be omitted 。

(6)Example 1: Set X axis motor speed value to 280。

Sending synchronous command:

Sending 55h, waiting 0Dh; Sending 55h, waiting 0Dh; Sending AAh, waiting 0Dh; Sending 55h, waiting 0Dh;

Sending programming command: Sending 00h, waiting 0Dh; Sending 00h, waiting 0Dh; Sending 01h, waiting 0Dh; Sending 18h, waitin

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