
  • Kimber Road Off Nuffield Way Oxon
  • , Oxfordshire, OX14 1RZ
  • United Kingdom
  • Tel:+44 12 35 52 66 77
  • Fax:+44 1235 524334
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  • Aspic jelly
  • Bakers' sundries
  • Blood powder, food additive
  • Caramel, colouring
  • Caramels, flavouring
  • Carob, food grade
  • Charcoal powder, edible
  • Cooked meat improvers
  • Essences and extracts for the food and beverage industry
  • Essences for food, synthetic
  • Flavourings, natural, fruit, for the food and beverage industry
  • Flavourings, natural, herbal, for the beverage industry
  • Flavourings, synthetic, for the food and beverage industry
  • Food flavouring, liquid smoke
  • Food flavourings, natural
  • Gelatine, edible
  • Glazes for the food industry
  • Lubricants, industrial
  • Meat flavourings and flavour enhancers, chemically derived
  • Meat flavourings and flavour enhancers, natural
  • Mineral and vitamin additives for the food industry
  • Orange blossom water, food additive
  • Plasma powder, food additive
  • Roots, gentian, liquorice and rhubarb, food flavouring
  • Saffron, food flavouring
  • Strippers and abrasives, chemical
  • Vanillin, food grade
  • Vegetable extracts and essences, food grade
  • Vegetable gums for food products
  • Water treatment products
  • Yeast for the beverage industry
  • Yeast, bakers'
  • Yeast, confectionery