• 38 / 2 Rajchavithee Rd. T. Sribhum, A. Muang, Chiangmai, Thailand
  • Chiangmai, 50200
  • Тајланд
  • Тел:66-81-8182189
  • Факс:66-53-289600
  • Url:

За нас


We are produce high quality of home spa products. Our products use natural ingredients mainly raw materials use base in Thailand. We supply both in bulk pack and retails pack under band name "spana".

Our packaging design are unique and made from natural materials.

For more detials pls visit our website. www.spana.biz

Деловни податоци

Не се достапни

Производителот, Берза, Дистрибутер

5 - 10 луѓе


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