
  • Anna Nagar,
  • Madurai, Tamil Nādu, 625020
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  • Tlf.:+91 98942 75900
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Exporters, Distributorsand suppliers of Adjuvant Drugs for HIV , Immune Building, Menstural Regulator, Sex stimulant, Piles Management, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Hair Growth, Memory and Nutrition Supplement. Product Details: Pharmaceutical Drugs- Immune Booster- ARV Capsules (An Ayurvedic Proprietary Preparation - used for the treatment of HIV/AIDS, reddish ulcers, enlarged lymph-nodes, bloody sputum, increase appetite, diarrhea, herpeslabialis. It helps in the treatment of AIDS, which is earmarked for the patients with CD 4 countless than 200 ml. Immune Modulator- CTC Capsules (An Ayurvedic Proprietary Preparation)- It acts as a Immunomodulators and powerful Anti-oxidant. It is a combination of herbs, which is required for the treatment of viral infections, which are caused by Rhinovirus, Chickengunia, Dengue, Atypical Viral Pneumonia and Allergic Rhinitis.used as dietary supplement, which helps in toning up of the immune system andnervous system in which the parasthesia and numbness extremities vanish in desired time. Menstrual Regulator- Mensoflo Ayurvedic Capsules- used for improving the uterine fibroids and particularly these synergistic herbs act to tighten blood vessels and tissue. Sex Stimulant- Blue Moon Ayurvedic Capsules- used as sex stimulants and contain Mucuna, Pruriens, Withania somnifera, Abutilon Indicum, Asparagus racemosus, Tirbulus terrestris and Mysristica fragrans. It is a herbal combinhation, which is required for bringing vitality and vigour giving strength to the whole body and also relieves mental stress. It is a sureway of delivering pleasure, confidence and stamina of a man. The herbs form which it is formulated are known to be an ancient and unique ingredient, which enhances the blood circulation in the penis leading to harder and powerful erection as well as size increasing. It is useful in general debility and increases the general heat of the body. Piles Management- Pile Out Ayurvedic Capsules- used for treating the internal and external hemorrhoids. It promotes the tissue regeneration by stopping the bleeding and also reduces the size of hemorrhoid. An excellent remedy for piles and hemorrhoids. It helps in the softening of the stools and works wonderfully in cleaning out the colon and giving regular bowel movement.It can be given for bleeding and non-bleeding piles, fissures, fistula as well as for constipation.

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