Pàgina d'inici


As a self-taught digital artist, I thrive on interpreting my ideas about our world and other worlds beyond, mixing reality and mystery by using tools of the 21st century to create art. My work revolves around my love of sci-fi stories, history, politics, science, and current events. While many of the landscapes appear to be photo-realistic, there are no photos used in creating the scenes. Among some of my greatest joys is the opportunity to create images that exist nowhere on this planet but within my own mind. Technology allows me to emulate traditional art media and techniques through several computer applications to create textures and shapes.

Just as any artist does, I pay particular attention to composition, color palette, lighting, and perspective. Giving my unique characteristics.

I have worked with self-published authors and musicians for book cover and CD artwork. I do have a licensing concept for self-publishing artists that is beneficial to all involved w/o busting budgets

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