Raised Mild Steel Expanded Walkway Mesh

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Anping Tenglu metal Wire Mesh Co.LTD

Raised Mild Steel Expanded Walkway Mesh

Expanded mild steel walkway is basically thick expanded mesh, thicker than 4.5 mm before expanding.

The surface of the material is very serrated to give exceptional grip. This is very good for vehicle ramps, trailers and transporters.

This mesh can also be used for bridges and gantry walkways.

Raised Mild Steel Walkway Mesh


Expanded walkway Mesh is perfectly suited to many industrial applications and is designed to offer a large open area to max vision through the mesh, and the long bond which joins each mesh provides excellent strength and grip.

Stock size: 2440mm x 1220mm

Strand thickness: 4.50

Weight kg/m2: 17.29

Available in mild steel finish.

Innflutningur / útflutningur

10.00 Stykki

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